Islam The Backward Ideology And Religion

  Islam, the way it has been defined by a majority of Muslims, rejects modern society and Liberal Democracy. Christianity gave rise to modern society and Liberal Democracy. back to history Nobody could possibly say that Christianity encouraged modern society or liberal democracy. The Catholic Church fought tooth and nail against these atheist ideas: thousands […]

Barrack Obama Is a Muslim so Can Muslims lie?

Islamists Use “Taqiyya” to Deceive Non-Muslims About Islam. Lying to non-Muslims, though, is another matter. In fact, Islamic law permits Muslims to lie anytime they perceive that their own well-being, or that of Islam, is threatened. Taqiya (تقیة taqiyyah/taqīyah, literally “fear, caution”) is a form of Islamic dissimulation or a legal dispensation whereby a believing […]

The Islamic refugee crisis

Let me write today about refugee crisis in europe and in the west. well , There is a storm brewing in Europe at first . Don’t let mouthpieces in media (100% of European MSM is clinically leftist/insane) fool you, people learn to hate. Hate against the criminal traitors in politics, hate against the sneering media, […]

why i am going to vote for Donald Trump

Let me tell you the best thing about Trump is that he’s already a Billionaire and, according to him, most of the billionaires don’t get along with him so he probably won’t become a sold out puppet like almost every fucking politician in the world. Correct me if I’m wrong though. I Met many who […]


one of most important things i want to write about that those who defend Erdogan are not interested in Democracy…they’re just posers …they’re just narrow headed Islamic fanatics . Of course publicly they’d never admit that , instead they try to create a sick mutated form of democracy to justify their sick agenda.Calling Erdogan a […]