my own prospect on Muslim Support Of BDS Movement

my own prospect about BDS Muzzies and others .
Anti Zionist Movements and their supporters , well let me focus on the muzzies we have a lot of anti Zionists around the world but let me again focus on muzzies . the muzzie who is anti Zionist sounds to me so stupid when they write that there is not state called Israel but i know its difficult for them to know history and accept facts they were brainwashed since their childhood , they can do me a favor and fuck off especially those who try/tried to lecture me, who in the same time live in Muzzie countries which all of them fall into total dictatorships which for example don’t allow of translation of 99.99% books or religious freedom or freedom of speech etc..
the only one book they have and they read is let me call it ””book of lies ”’
which is the most bad part of plagiarism of Jewish and christian scriptures, the way these people know so well to do when they are done having an affair with their goats . I don’t care if they understand or not. At the time, it gives me good feeling to write it. Even though I wish I could be much more political incorrect ! Fucking assholes !

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